I grew up in a blue-collar, union family just outside of Flint in Burton. My parents taught me the value of hard work and the importance of providing for a family. My father woke up at 4:00 every morning in order to get to work by 5:30. A proud UAW member, he retired from General Motors after almost 40 years. My mother worked at my elementary school as a homeroom parent, then as a lunch aide, and finally as the school secretary.
Mike & Jake with their dog Gidget.
I worked my way through college, graduating from Central Michigan University with a Bachelor of Science in Community Development and Public Administration. Before getting elected to the Michigan State House in 2022, I spent much of my career in the nonprofit sector serving others and making a meaningful impact.
In 2017, my husband and I purchased our home in Hazel Park. The community spirit in Hazel Park is strong and people look out for each other. It’s a quality I notice throughout Michigan’s new 14th House District, whether I’m in Madison Heights, Center Line, or Warren: neighbors helping neighbors and building community.
In the time since I was first elected to office in 2019, I have worked hard to push my community forward on issues of funding for our firefighters, advocating for inclusion and respect, and working collaboratively with anyone who cares about helping our area and our neighbors thrive.
COVID-19 has been an earth-shattering reminder of how much we need one another, and I’ve been working with my colleagues across the aisle to support our citizens, communities, and institutions as we continue to recover. Government should be about putting people first, especially in times of crisis, and I’m committed to focusing on our citizens and their needs above all.
Let’s do this—together.